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【Aromatherapy Certification】A Comparison of Two Major Aromatherapist's International Certification Systems

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Editor Team
August 21, 2024

Aromatherapy is a natural therapy that uses essential oils extracted from plants for relaxation and stress relief. It involves the use of these oils through massage, bathing, aromatherapy, and even ingestion in the form of capsules or direct inhalation to bring the scent molecules into the brain's limbic system. Aromatherapy is mainly divided into four schools: English, French, German, and Swiss. Hong Kong primarily practices English-style aromatherapy.

【Aromatherapy Certification】A Comparison of Two Major Aromatherapist's International Certification Systems

Aromatherapy is a natural therapy that uses essential oils extracted from plants for relaxation and stress relief. It involves the use of these oils through massage, bathing, aromatherapy, and even ingestion in the form of capsules or direct inhalation to bring the scent molecules into the brain's limbic system. Aromatherapy is mainly divided into four schools: English, French, German, and Swiss. Hong Kong primarily practices English-style aromatherapy.

What do aromatherapists do?

Aromatherapists engage in holistic treatment, focusing on the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of well-being. Qualified therapists assess clients' physical conditions and care needs, appropriately apply and blend aromatherapy products, and use various massage techniques to provide relaxation and beauty care services.

Where to study aromatherapy? Comparison of IFPA and NAHA certifications

In Hong Kong, there is no regulation requiring aromatherapists to obtain a specific license from a particular organization. Aromatherapists often choose to obtain certificates and membership from foreign aromatherapy associations. Two of the most recognized international certification systems are NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy) and IFA (International Federation of Aromatherapists).

NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy)

Established in 1990 in the United States

Sets strict training standards and is committed to improving the education and professional practice standards of aromatherapy

Has a comprehensive and detailed curriculum, divided into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels

Applicants for NAHA professional membership must submit proof of training, which must be approved by NAHA and conducted by a recognized accreditation center

IFA (International Federation of Aromatherapists)

Established in 1985 in the United Kingdom

Is the oldest and largest non-profit aromatherapy organization in the world

Promotes a people-oriented approach

Develops in hospitals, beauty SPA industries, special care, and other fields, and is the world's highest standard of aromatherapy education organization

In 2020, it was approved by PSA (Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care) as a "recognized registering body," becoming the first aromatherapy organization to register with PSA globally

Fammi, an aromatherapist, mentions that many people in Hong Kong also pursue certifications in German, French, or Swiss aromatherapy. Each country's aromatherapy association has different standards. For example, in the German aromatherapy system, users can ingest essential oils, while in the UK and US, oils are only used externally. French aromatherapy requires formulations to be prescribed by members with a medical background.

Career prospects and income for aromatherapists

Fammi recalls that she initially wanted to develop her own fragrance brand, which led her to study aromatherapy. She now conducts workshops at various institutions, schools, and her own events to explain the uses of essential oils and DIY aromatherapy products. She believes that aromatherapy is not widely known in Hong Kong and is not part of the medical system, so most local aromatherapists work in the beauty industry as a side job. However, some choose to start their own businesses, sell their own products or services, or offer certification courses. She says that there is no specific standard for the income of aromatherapists in Hong Kong.

According to IFA's registered certification qualifications, aromatherapists can be categorized as care therapists, therapists, and blenders. With the aging population, aromatherapy care therapists are becoming increasingly popular in the social welfare sector.

FAQs about aromatherapy courses

Are aromatherapy courses eligible for the Continuing Education Fund?

Many aromatherapy courses are eligible for the Continuing Education Fund, such as the "Applied Aromatherapy Holistic Care Diploma" offered by HKU Space. However, for international certification, additional examination fees must be paid to IFA.

What does the course content typically include?

Course content is extensive, covering not only aromatherapy knowledge such as blending techniques, massage methods, and contraindications but also human anatomy, skin analysis, and professional training for client consultations.

Reference: Aromatherapist Fanny, https://www.aliztwshop.com/blog/posts/is-it-useful-to-take-the-international-aromatherapy-certificate

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