
Mojito 大家經常喺Cocktail menu 中見到,自己去調製一杯又有冇試過?
鐘意Cocktail 嘅你絕對不要錯過今次機會!嚟一場感官體驗之旅!由嗅覺,味覺及視覺令今個聖誕變得唔一樣!
透過原料了解mojito的香氣同故事,由 Regal&Fallon 同 ScentLavie 帶領大家調配 Mojito 同時製作一個Mojito room spray!
Enjoy 今個綠色聖誕🎄💚
・會員聚會(有welcome drinks, wine & bubbles, ham& cheese)
・講解及製作空間噴霧(每人可獲得一枝30ml的room spray)
・講解及製作 mojito


Our Speakers

About Regal & Fallon:
We believe there is an art to everything.
The team of Regal & Fallon strives to achieve belows As-
Articulate- Present the art of cocktail, with mostly fresh, natural ingredients, along wtih our original recipies.
Affordable -Allow our customers'' tastebuds to dance around without having your wallet bleeding
Accessible-Bring the cocktail to wherever your party is, readily make bottle or a kit for your own mixing fun, we will cater for you as you like
Alcohol should be drank when you are happy, not when you are upset. Cheers to happy and healthier drinking!

About ScentLavie :
ScentLavie, derives from the French expression “C’est La Vie”, which means “This is life”.
ScentLavie believes in the magical power of scents. and is dedicated to creating unique scent stories for brands, elevating their brand value and image. We also offer exclusive fragrance experience events for brand VIPs, fostering long-term emotional connections between the brand and its customers.
英國IFA 註冊香薰治療師
美國NAHA 臨床香薰治療師
美國NGH 註冊催眠治療師